High Speed Rail Authority Extends Comment Period for Burbank/Palmdale Route


The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published Notices of Preparation and Notices of Intent (NOPs/NOIs) for the receipt of public agency comments regarding the preparation of environmental documentation for the Palmdale to Burbank and Burbank to Los Angeles high-speed rail project sections.  At the same time they requested comments from all stakeholders.

In its continued efforts to ensure comprehensive agency and public participation, the comment period has been extended to Friday, September 12.  The extension is a result of stakeholder interest, time extension requests and the Authority’s commitment to engagement with both agencies and the public during the advancement of these important high-speed rail project sections.

While they appreciate those who have already submitted comments, and encourage those who have not yet commented to do so during this extended period.  As always, public comments about these project sections and their environmental documentation are welcome at any time and will be considered in development of the project section studies.

Please submit your comments by:


Mark A. McLoughlin, Director of Environmental Services

ATTN: (Specify which Project Section)

California High-Speed Rail Authority

Southern California Regional Office

700 N Alameda, Room 3-532

Los Angeles, CA 90012


Electronic Mail:     

Place name of Project Section in subject line:

Palmdale to Burbank: palmdale_burbank@hsr.ca.gov

Burbank to Los Angeles:  burbank_los.angeles@hsr.ca.govv



(800) 630-1039


For additional information contained in the NOP and NOI, please visit:

Palmdale to Burbank:



Burbank to Los Angeles:
