Home LA’s 2024 Empty Bowl Event a Huge Success

(Photo by © Ross A Benson)

Recently Home LA held it’s 2024 Empty Bowl event.It’s in the books and boy did we have a great time with our donors.

The event brought our friends from throughout the region, several corporate partners, volunteers, service clubs and more came together to enjoy the delicious soup, opportunity baskets, craft vendors and got to take home beautiful handmade ceramic bowls.

Thank you to Laurie Krattiger our event Chair, Connie Trimble in the kitchen, Nancy Guillen with our opportunity baskets, Sandy Thompson who facilitated our craft fair, and Burbank Methodist for hosting our annual event. #Burbank #Glendale #SanFernando #LosAngeles

A big thanks to Logix, who was this year’s top-tier sponsor.