Inaugural Joint Noise Task Force Meeting Held on Aircraft

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

The Southern San Fernando Valley Airplane Noise Task Force (Task Force) – a group formed to address community concerns regarding aircraft noise resulting from aircraft departing from Van Nuys Airport (VNY) and Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR) – held its first of up to six meetings yesterday evening. The inaugural meeting laid out the ground rules to ensure a collegial and respectful environment, explained the process for public comments, and voted to elect the Task Force officers and adopt the bylaws.

The Task Force consists of a set of eight voting members from local city government officials and five non-voting participants from the U.S. Congress. Staff from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA), and Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) attended the Task Force meeting as technical advisors.

Elected Task Force Officers

  • Mayor Emily Gabel-Luddy of Burbank, was elected as the Task Force Chair
  • Councilman Paul Krekorian (CD2) was elected as the Task Force Vice Chair

By-Laws Overview

  • Task Force meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Brown Act and Robert’s Rules of Order, and moderated by a facilitator.
  • A majority of the voting members of the Task Force (five) constitutes a quorum.
  • Any action taken by the Task Force shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of voting members present at the meeting.

“We are committed to making sure all voices are being heard,” said Patrick Lammerding, Deputy Executive Director of Planning & Development at Hollywood Burbank Airport. “The Task Force is a collaborative process that encourages community members to voice their opinions, share ideas, and promote solutions for changes to the departure path from both airports.”

“The Task Force is a significant initiative that welcomes community feedback to discover solutions in an inclusive and open format,” said Flora Margheritis, the VNY Airport Manager at LAWA. “I personally want to thank the Task Force and community members for their

commitment to working together to find a consensus recommendation that fits the needs of our communities.”

The official bylaws document and meeting presentation can be found on the BUR website or on VNY website. The second Task Force meeting will occur within the next two weeks.