It’s on to the Next Election, Burbank


Editors Note: It was reported that Steve Frinter was running as a council candidate. He is in fact going to run for school board. The article has been corrected.


As fast as you can say President Trump, it will be time to elect new officials in the City of Burbank with the All Mail Ballot Election for the Burbank Primary Election to be held on February 28, 2017

Up for grabs will be three Council Member Seats, one City Clerk Seat, one City Treasurer Seat and two Board of Education Seats

(Photo by © Ross A. Benson)
Councilman Bob Frutos picks up his papers from City Clerk Zizette Mullins as he decides to run for re-election (Photo by © Ross A. Benson)

Currently, council members Bob Frutos, David Gordon and Mayor Jess Talamantes seats are going to be open. Nomination papers have all ready been taken out by all three of the incumbents seeking to return to the council.   Richard Carr, also took out papers to run for a Council seat.

City Treasurer Debbie Kukta and City Clerk Zizette Mullins have also decided to run for re-election and have taken out papers.  As of Tuesday evening, no one else has taken out papers for any of the offices.

city-clerks-office-frutosaa10-2In the Burbank Board of Education, both member Charlene Tabet and President Larry Applebaum are up for re-election and both have taken out papers to run again. Newcomer Steve Frinter has also taken out nomination papers from the City Clerk’s office for an open school board seat.

Prospective candidates will have until December 2 to file their papers at the City Clerk’s office for the Primary Election which will be held February 28, 2017.

Any candidate who receives 50% plue one vote in the primary will be elected and the remaining seats candidates will face off in the General Election on April 11, 2017 in another All Mail Ballot Election.

(Photo by © Ross A. Benson)
Although the City Clerk, Zizette Mullins has to go through a staff member like any other candidate when pulling out her papers for re-election to the City Clerk’s office. (Photo by © Ross A. Benson)