JBHS Drama Presents “To Kill A Mockingbird”

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

The John Burroughs High School Drama Department presents Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning classic To Kill A Mockingbird on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 12 – 14.

Adapted by Christopher Sergel, the play chronicles a series of violent events in a small town in Alabama in 1935, loosely based on real events Lee experienced as a child in the Deep South. The story is as relevant today as when it was originally published in 1960.

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

Told through the eyes of two children – Scout and Jem Finch – To Kill A Mockingbird examines prejudice, justice and moral conscience when a young black man is wrongfully charged with the rape of a white girl.

“It is such a pleasure to work with students who are able to handle this sensitive material in such a mature way,” commented JBHS Drama Director Guy Myers. “They have been dedicated throughout the process, and the seniors have done an excellent job of mentoring all of the new students.”

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

“We have so many freshmen in the main cast for this show, and the new energy has invigorated our rehearsals!” he added. “We have collaborated with our wonderful woodshop teacher, John Benne, on building the sets, and of course the amazing tech students, led by the talented Jon King.”

“I have absolutely loved working on this production,” said student producer Talya Cohen. “It’s really incredible to see this show step by step, and it seems I only get more emotionally invested as time goes on.”

“There is an equal part new and old faces in this show so it was great to see them learning and growing together as an ensemble,” she said. “As a senior, it’s sad to see what I have to leave behind, but I know that the graduating class has left this program in capable hands. I can only hope the audience can see the passion and dedication we all have for this program.”

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

“I have the honor of playing Atticus Finch,” explained senior Sully Zack. “He’s a man truly ahead of his time, and he often serves as the moral conscience of Maycomb County.”

“Atticus Finch is hands down one of my favorite characters, so the chance to play him has made for one incredible experience. And the fact that I’ve gotten to spend rehearsals with such a tight-knit and talented cast has only augmented that experience.”

To Kill A Mockingbird is my last JBHS drama production,” added Zack. “And while I’m sad to leave the amazing program where I have made memories, my best friends and where I have been encouraged to follow my dreams, I know that with my incredibly talented peers, and the guidance of Mr. Myers, our little program is destined for success.”

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

To Kill A Mockingbird has been the perfect topper to the drama cake,” said senior Maddie Seiffert. “I get to play Miss Maudie, which is challenging because not only is she motherly and older, but she’s also a warm and young spirit.”

“This has been such a fun part to play as the balance between the town creates such a loving environment but also this horrid conflict between those who believe in right or wrong.”

“Drama for the past four years has been a home to me,” Seiffert also said. “It’s a place filled with the most loving, caring, and funny people on campus! It’s been a blast for every show!”

(Photo Courtesy John Burroughs High School Drama Department)

“My character is a sad victim of abuse, poverty and racism,” commented junior Megan Mazer who portrays Mayella Ewell. “I am grateful to have the opportunity to play this role and to expand my abilities as an actress.”

“I’m extremely grateful to be performing as Scout with such a talented cast,” said freshman Jordyn Holt. “I’ve made many new friends this freshman year, and I am so lucky to have the opportunity to perform with these amazing people.”

“Each person is inspirational and I love learning from them all. Although Scout is young and naive, she is able to teach the importance of acceptance, and displays unconditional love for others. This show is incredible. I’m so proud of the whole cast’s delivery… I can’t wait for opening night!”

Tickets are $10 for students, staff and seniors and $15 general admission. They are available online here and at the box office before the show begins. Performances are at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12, and Saturday, May 13, and at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 14.

“Harper Lee’s classic work still remains so relevant, and it has been a show I have wanted to direct for a long time,” added Myers. “Audiences are in for something special.”


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    1. I was so proud and happy to see my nephew, Xander Taylors, in the play. He is a remarkable young man….handsome and talented….I wish I could have been there.

      His Tia Lia…..

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