Latest DUI Checkpoint Yields Little Results With Fewer Cars on the Streets

(Photo by © Ross A Benson)

Burbank Police’s Traffic Bureau conducted a DUI Checkpoint last week with less than 650 cars passing through during the checkpoints three hours and fifty minutes of operation. One of the reasons for the low volume of cars is people are staying home during the pandemic.

(Photo by © Ross A Benson)

Police set up the checkpoint in the southbound lanes of Glenoaks Blvd., between Cedar and Valencia.  The checkpoint went operational at about 9:25 p.m. and ended at about 1:15 a.m.  This location was picked because of the number of past occurrences that happened in this stretch of Glenoaks.

“There was a large number of rideshare drivers that drove through the checkpoint (always a good sign),” said Sgt. Emil Brimway of the Burbank Police Department.

Here are the stats for the checkpoint:

Total vehicles screened:               638

DUI arrests: 0                    

Test’s given: 0                   

Valid Driver License Citations: 1                      

Suspecded or Revoked Citations: 0                        

Warrant arrests: 0                 

Felony arrests: 0                  

Other misd. Arrests: 0         

Hazard citations: 2                     

Equipment Citations: 0                

Vehicles impounded: 0       

Advisals: 25