Letter to the Editor: Business Owner Gives Recommendations for Council Seats


Letter to the Editor:

I have attended multiple candidate gatherings and forums.  There are two clear individuals who I know will be effective from day one. 

They are current city clerk Zizette Mullins and incumbent Sharon Springer.  Both have been involved in public service for years.

Another reason is that Olive Ave is not safe from being ruined permanently! 

Even though the current city council voted 5-0 to not support metro’s plan of removing 2 lanes for their buses, the issue is far from over.  The metro board, which includes supervisor Kathryn Barger and Glendale city councilman Ara Najarian, voted unanimously in favor of pushing forward with the removal and against Mixed Flow that the council and staff endorsed.

Zizette Mullins does support safe, alternative, and reliable transportation will oppose the removal of 2 lanes because of the impact on local businesses and senior centers. Sharon Springer who is also an advocate for transportation, voted against it for similar reasons. 

I fear that several of the other candidates would fully condone Metro’s plan to our own detriment.

David Donahue
Burbank resident and business owner