Letter to the Editor: Local Business Supports Burbank Police


Letter to the Editor:

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all others”

-Winston Churchill

These are the words that sit at the bottom of the “Wall of Heroes” in Story Tavern, a memorial to those members of the Burbank Police and Fire Departments who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.  By giving their lives to protect others, these heroes have helped make our City what it is today. 

The current protests have highlighted an issue that not only pertains to policing across the country, but also our society as well.  Peaceful protests and civil discourse are some of the key foundations of this country; it is an avenue that allows us to strive to be the best versions of ourselves. 

However, that being said, there are many who are using these protests to make blanket statements about the individuals who protect us every day, individuals who are an integral part of our communities and who many times pay dearly protecting us.  We must always aim to be the best we can, and that includes the police.  However, we are also imperfect beings.  It is through our past experiences, both successes and failures, but especially failures, that we learn how to better ourselves.  This is what the human experience is – we fall down but we learn how to get back up.

The men and women of the Burbank Police Department are people that I consider the bedrock of our community.  In our most vulnerable and desperate moments, they are there to help us get back up, to restore a sense of normalcy and balance.  They are a large part of the reason so many people love and call Burbank their home.  The Burbank Police is the reason that Story Tavern is what it is, and without them, I do not know what would become of not only Story Tavern, but our community as well.  The Story Tavern family supports the men and women of Burbank Police Department through this and will continue to support them.

Brian Slaught