Letter to the Editor:
There’s been a lot of conversation about the Burbank City Council election and it’s candidates, but not about Burbank Unified School District’s election and it’s candidates. I would think with all the school budget cuts as well as Measure I not passing, it would be of more importance. As a parent and a 20+ year resident, who moved here partially for the school district, it certainly is to me.
I think our current board has done a fantastic job under the circumstances. There are currently three seats open and four candidates vying for them. In my opinion, in the uncertain climate of our daily lives, which has my child learning from home, the thought of changing gears right now makes me nervous. Especially with the fact that the only newcomer is not a parent and does not teach in Burbank or at another public school, but at a private school. I’m worried that she wouldn’t have knowledge of the inner working of the City, a Public School District and especially not of BUSD. And during these uncertain times there really isn’t room for error or learning as you go.
I’m a fairly involved parent, I’ve been Booster President, a PTA Chair, Room Parent, on the School Site Council and have attended my fair share of School Board meetings over the years and I can tell you that everyone on the board has always been approachable, open, proactive and caring. Of the incumbents, Steve Ferguson and Dr. Armond Aghakhanian have started the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to help address racism and discrimination in our schools and Dr. Roberta Reynolds was instrumental in starting PFLAG in Burbank, as well serving on Burbank School Board for over a decade. After Measure I not passing, I know that they have had to make some very tough decisions, through no fault of their own, and yet they have strived to do the best they can for children and their education and I trust they would continue to do so.
Krista Zampino
Burbank Parent