Letter to the Editor: Resident Endorses Board of Education Candidates


Letter to the Editor:

myBurbank is to be commended for the 5 questions that they posed to the candidates for the Board of Education. The questions focused on issues that are current and address the needs to get the Burbank Unified School District moving in the right direction. It was also impressive that they did not edit the responses of the candidates.

After carefully reading the responses of all the candidates, it is clear to me that Larry Applebaum and Brian Smith are prepared to serve as our representatives for this important position. They understand that the job of a member of the Board of Education is to implement policies within the parameters of state laws and regulations, keep the district financially sound by establishing a working budget based on resources available, and to hire, support and evaluate the superintendent.

This lets the voters know that they can be trusted to provide quality leadership to our community.

They are focused on keeping academics, facilities, and finance at the forefront of the agenda of the Board of Education. Both Mr. Applebaum and Mr. Smith have emphasized the importance of an academic program that gives each student the ability to graduate with the goal of becoming a productive member of society. Their past work with facilities issues gives them the ability to keep our buildings well-maintained and provide the most current technology needed to support programs that allow the curriculum to best serve students. These men understand the complexities of school finance and the need to include all stakeholders in how each precious dollar is best spent to support the quality education Burbank’s voters have come to expect.

My votes go to Larry Applebaum and Brian Smith for the Burbank Board of Education!


Linda Walmsley

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