Letter to the Editor: Resident Warns of Danger of Potential EV Bus Fires


Letter to the Editor:

GOTO: YouTube and search “EV bus fires”. For the City of Burbank, with barely $100 million saved in its financial structuring, just ONE EV bus fire in downtown could wipe out those laboriously aggregated funds.
The worse-than-petrochemical-smog contamination, the business community post-fire lawsuits, the medical expenses of those affected directly (burns, smoke inhalation etc) will suck the City’s coffers dry overnight.
Yet, possibly with the hopes of getting new infrastructure built in Burbank by METRO, or by funding facilitated by METRO, our childish City Council toys with the idea of repainting near-curb lanes on West Olive Avenue to exclusively serve BRT vehicles which may have the capability to control traffic-light signals!
Upper Olive Avenue has already been ruined by the City’s own traffic planners: namely, their experiment in line painting which, if vociferously disliked by Burbankers, can be redone. In other words, double the public expense because these dolts want to continue being employed taxpayers!
Inmates of the insane asylum that IS Burbank City bureaucrats seem to be its managers, not the voting public.
Richard B. Cathcart