Letter to the Editor: Residents Want to See Burbank Elections Remain Nonpartisan


Letter to the Editor:

Our local elections have become influenced by partisan interference instead of focusing on the best candidates for our children and our community.

Article II, Section 6(a) of the State of California’s Constitution, states that all school board and city council elections are to be nonpartisan.

Under this provision, anyone running for the School Board or City Council in Burbank is required to run without a party designation, regardless of whether they are registered to vote with a particular political party, or publicly aligned with a political party. The Constitution demands that they do NOT run as partisans.

In addition, Section 6(b) of the California Constitution prohibits a political party from nominating a candidate for these nonpartisan offices. Candidates for City Council and the School Board cannot include their political party preference on the ballot. So, even if the candidate for municipal office wanted to include that they were a Democrat or Republican, that designation could not be indicated on the ballot.

The reasons for this make a lot of sense. Political parties are irrelevant to the role and responsibilities of local school boards and city councils. Cooperation between elected officials belonging to different parties is more likely if they’re not labeled as political opponents. It’s for the benefit of the children and citizens of our community to NOT have partisan elections, and it is therefore demanded by the California state Constitution.

Unfortunately, here in Burbank, local political groups have taken a strong stance towards politicizing our local elections to the detriment of citizens. In one case, a small group of less than 60 individuals publicly “endorse” a select group of candidates based on their political party registration instead of evaluating the core values and beliefs of every candidate, overlooking who might be the most qualified or best choice for our children and city. By publicizing these “endorsements” these groups interfere with the integrity of municipal elections as they are intended to be as defined by our state Constitution.

Voters please vote. Local elections matter for our children and our community. And please research EACH and EVERY candidate based on their merits. Find out who is behind the endorsements and ask if they interviewed EVERY candidate. Attend the upcoming Candidate Forums to learn about each candidate or try to watch a replay online. The City Council Forum is on September 26th at 5:30 pm at Woodbury University’s Fletcher Jones Auditorium. The School Board Candidate Forum is on October 9th at 5:30 pm at Luther Burbank Middle School Auditorium. Avoid the manipulations of specific political advocacy groups.


Patricia Burlingham – Local Business Owner

David Donahue, Local Business Owner

Barry Gussow, Realtor

Michael Hastings, Former Mayor

Kathy Hastings, Disney Cancer Center Board Member

Alexandra Helfrich, Advocate and Local Business owner

Elena Hubbell, Former Board of Education Member

Rod James, Burbank Resident

Dave Kemp, Retired Teacher and Former Board of Education Member

Debbie Kukta, Former Board of Education Member

Tina McDermott, College Professor/Former City of Burbank Employee 

Bob Mohler, Entertainment Professional

Chez Mohler, Burbank Teacher

Dana Morris, Property Manager

Paula Morris, Retired Teacher

Carrie Pool – Resident 

Roberta Reynolds, Former Board of Education Member

Barry Sarna, Retired Teacher

Kathy Wills Sarna, Teacher

Cynthia Schafer, Burbank Resident 

Jon Schafer, Local Business Owner

Ken Schafer, Local Business Owner

Christine Senteney, Burbank Resident 

Steve Senteney, Local Business Owner

Ward Smith, Burbank Resident

Karen Volpei, Realtor

Linda Walmsley, Retired Teacher

Suzanne Weerts, Writer/Producer and Advocate

Kimberly Williams, Local Business Owner

Lance Williams, Local Business Owner


    1. This is a lovely letter but is a pipe dream. Sadly, politics throughout the country has become so ideologically divided, non-partisan elections can’t exist. Why? Because the philosophies of the two parties are so diametrically opposed to one another, voters must know a candidate’s party. For example, the left believes in an open border, thus the 10 – 15 million migrants that have the run of the nation, thousands of them criminals. Conservatives believe in American sovereignty. The left believes climate change is a crisis when wiser heads know it is a hoax. The left believes that there are many genders when there are only two; gender dysphoria is a mental condition. The left believes in the primacy of LGBT issues, even in elementary school. Conservatives believe that sexual discussions have no place in grades k – 6. So it is very important now that voters know what party our candidates embrace. I wish it were not so but it is. These are trying times characterized by the left’s brand of Marxism and the right’s reverence for liberty & justice for all.

    2. Noteman’s “analysis” of why there’s rampant partisanship in our elections screams of partisanship itself.

      This phrase: “the left believes in an open border, thus the 10 – 15 million migrants that have the run of the nation, thousands of them criminals,” is wildly inaccurate. Where’s the proof that “thousands of them are criminals?” Isn’t this an overestimation and one that belies his own political beliefs?

      Then, there’s this ideologically doubtful conclusion: “The left believes climate change is a crisis when wiser heads know it is a hoax.” Did noteman live through this last summer when temperatures were the highest in recorded history? This is another faulty conclusion.

      The most egregious of his statements and conclusions are these two: “The left believes that there are many genders when there are only two; gender dysphoria is a mental condition. The left believes in the primacy of LGBT issues, even in elementary school. Conservatives believe that sexual discussions have no place in grades k – 6.”

      There are more than two genders and there is no mental condition involved with knowing you were assigned the wrong gender at birth and desiring to live as the gender you know you are.

      Finally, LGBT issues need to be addressed in school as children are exposed to an inordinate amount of information on the internet and from their friends. LGBT children discover who they are during these years, and they need to be supported, befriended and not vilified.

      Noteman’s own partisanship is obvious in his last line: “These are trying times characterized by the left’s brand of Marxism and the right’s reverence for liberty & justice for all.”

      The left equals “Marxism” and the right equals “liberty & justice for all.” Could his party affiliation be more obvious? And I beg to differ. If what we’ve witnessed and lived through these last 8-10 years is any indication, the right hates almost everything but money, power, self-aggrandizement and despotism.

      Caring about country and people first, dispensing with lying and making decisions based on science and education will never go out of fashion and have no party affiliation.

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