Letter to the Editor: Resident Concerned About Candidate Campaign Donations


Letter to the Editor:

I have just received an election communication from the Rizzotti/Wilke campaign for Burbank City Council.  I noted two points in particular:
1.  The campaign is receiving funds from Airbnb corporation. This company is responsible for reducing the amount of rental accommodation available in many cities as units are taken off the market to become more lucrative short term rentals.  Is that the policy of Rizzotti/Wilke?  Indeed, is that why Airbnb is so generously supporting their campaign, in the hope or expectation that these worthies will work to change the City code to legalize short term rentals?  And how does that “lower costs” for renters, as they claim?
2.  The campaign is also receiving funds from the IBEW, the electrical workers union.  While I have great respect for the IBEW and their members here in Burbank, surely it is inappropriate to receive contributions from employees or their representative organizations. Entities do not give political donations without the expectation of some future consideration. Council members represent the City at large, and in particular the interests of taxpayers.  No candidates should accept money from groups that will at some future time have contracts to be negotiated. 
Paul Dyson

    Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center


    1. I am writing in response to Paul Dyson’s letter regarding the Rizzotti/Wilke campaign for Burbank City Council and the claims of funding from Airbnb and the IBEW.

      Firstly, it’s important to clarify that neither Airbnb nor the IBEW have contributed to either the Rizzotti or Wilke campaigns. The mailer in question was clearly sent by an independent Political Action Committee (PAC), as disclosed on the communication itself. PACs, by law, operate independently of candidates’ campaigns, and candidates have no control over the content or funding sources of such mailers.

      To suggest that Rizzotti and Wilke are receiving direct financial support from these organizations is not only incorrect but also misleading to voters. The PAC’s involvement is separate from the candidates’ own campaign fundraising efforts, and it is essential to distinguish between the two.

      As voters, we deserve transparency and accuracy in our local elections. Let’s base our decisions on facts, not assumptions or unfounded allegations.

      David Donahue

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