Merry TubaChristmas Celebrates 40 Years With Sunday Concert


Celebrating its 40th anniversary in Los Angeles, the annual Merry TubaChristmas concert will ring in the holidays with the glorious sound of tubas. This beloved tradition will take place on Sunday, December 13, 7:00 PM, at the beautiful Hall of Liberty on the grounds of Forest Lawn
Hollywood Hills, 6300 Forest Lawn Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068.

Literally hundreds of tuba and baritone players ranging in age from 8 to 80 come from all over Southern California to play Christmas carols—and a few Hanukah songs—to the delight of everyone in attendance.Scott-Wilkinson-1
The concert is free to the public, and the audience is encouraged to sing along.
Featured guest artists will include Jim Self, master tubist who provided the voice of the mothership in Close Encounters of the Third Kind; The Hollywood Tuba 12, a 12-piece ensemble of some of the best professional players in the world; the Tubadors pro quartet; and the USC Tuba Quartet. Marking his fifth year as conductor is Scott Wilkinson, a second-generation native Angelino, professional tubist, and long-time TubaChristmas participant.
Three years ago, the event was featured on NPR’s The California Report radio show, and in 2004, Huell Howser devoted episode 1110 of his Visiting PBS television series to Merry TubaChristmas Los Angeles.
All tuba and baritone/euphonium players are invited to participate, regardless of ability; students are especially welcome. For more information, please visit or e-mail Scott Wilkinson at

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