This week myBurbank started two great features.
Friday Flashback will over a look back at a part of Burbank’s history with a new feature coming out each Friday. Burbankia Mike and Burbankia Wes from the great website Burbankia will give us a look back at Burbank. They are now writing and will publish a book soon on Burbank’s history.
This week’s first offering was a look back at James J. Jeffries and the Jefferies Barn.
If you have been in Burbank many years or just relocated here, you will love this new feature.
We are also starting a new feature “Get Out of Town”. Let’s face it, we all love our City and love to do things here, but every once and a while you are looking to get away.
Get Out of Town will suggest some nearby places and activities that you and your family might enjoy. Our first submission is by our Associate Editor, Lisa Paredes:
Both features will be located on the bottom left side of the website in a dedicated position for you to easily find.