With the county of Los Angeles imposing restrictions on businesses like restaurants, we are launching two new sections that will be reader-driven.
The first will be for restaurants and we are asking readers what restaurants in Burbank are doing as far as take-out or delivery options and hours of business. Our goal is to get the word out what our local restaurants are doing so people can support them.
Our second section is for Burbank stores or markets. We want to know if businesses will be open and at what times. Many markets have reduced their hours and we want to help people with information.
Both sections will be reader-driven and will not be checked for the myBurbank staff for accuracy. We are counting on readers to hopefully provide good information to their fellow Burbankers to help our local businesses.
If you have information about a Burbank restaurant, send us the information HERE. Please include any information such as hours and delivery options or pick-up only.
If you any information regarding stores and their hours, please let us know HERE.
You may come to our website anytime and click on the “Latest Burbank Updates” on the right side of our site to get to any of our sections dealing with the coronavirus.