Nearly 4000 March For Our Lives In Burbank

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Speakers at the Burbank March For Our Lives rally on March 24, 2018. (Photo By Ross Benson)

Between 3500 and 4000 people attended the Burbank March For Our Lives, according to sources from the Burbank Police Department. They joined millions of people in cities throughout the United States and in a few countries around the world to advocate for stricter gun access laws.

The Saturday, March 24, event saw marchers, many carrying signs and chanting, walk along the Chandler Bikeway between Mariposa and Buena Vista streets.

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Speakers at the Burbank March For Our Lives rally on March 24, 2018. (Photo By Ross Benson)

Representative Adam Schiff, State Senator Anthony Portantino and Assemblymember Laura Friedman spoke at the event. They were joined by event organizer and teacher Carly Gilmore and City Council Member Sharon Springer.

“We march for those lost to gun violence,” tweeted Schiff. “We march in solidarity with survivors across the country.”

“We march for those in our schools and those not yet old enough to attend,” he continued. “Marching together, our voices rising together, we can be the change we need.”

“Today we heard amazing, passionate speeches,” commented Gilmore. “I was blown away by the success of the event today.”

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Approximately 4000 people attended the Burbank March For Our Lives on March 24. (Photo By Ross Benson)

“To see so many people fighting for this important cause, gave me so much hope,” she added. “I am overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone that helped me with this event, that spoke, the Burbank Police Department for keeping us safe and of course everyone who came out and marched.”

“It was the absolute definition of success in my eyes.”

“This march is a part of a national march initiated by the survivors of Stoneman Douglas to demand changes in hopes they will be the last victims of a mass school shooting,” Gilmore commented for a myBurbank article in advance of the March 24 event.

“These changes we wish to demand are banning of assault rifles on the street, raising the gun age, making it harder to purchase a gun and to keep NRA money out of the government and policy making.”

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Representative Adam Schiff addresses the crowd at the Burbank March For Our Lives. (Photo By Ross Benson)

Former Burbank Mayor Marsha Ramos accompanied by a twelve-year-old student from Burbank, Burbank Unified School District Board Member Dr. Armond Agkhanian, poet David Meyerhof and Burbank High School Student Miles Gilmore also spoke at the event.

A few counter protesters who emphasized their support for the National Rifle Association gun lobby and easy access to semi-automatic weapons tried to engage with some of the March For Our Lives demonstrators, but no violence occurred.

According to sources at the scene, there were so many people at the event, Burbank Police had to close a few of streets along Chandler Bikeway for the safety of people who spilled over onto the streets.

A voter registration drive and tables staffed by Moms Demand Action and the Burbank Democratic Party were set up at the event. Organizers of March For Our Lives hope to turn the support seen in Burbank and across the country on March 24 into political action in coming months.

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