New Caltrans Activities for I-5 Announced


Construction activities and closures are subject to change.

Construction Activities:

Work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise noted.
SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard

Providencia Avenue Bridge: Crews are installing girders (support beams), diaphrams (girder connectors) and tension bolts for construction of the deck for the Providencia Avenue Bridge.  More information is here.
Sonora, Western, Alameda Bridges: Demo and structure excavation in the median for Sonora, Western and Alameda Bridges continues.

Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street

Victory Place at Empire Avenue: Curbs and gutters are being constructed at Victory Place and Empire Avenue.  

Leland Way: Crews will install sign structures for the new Empire Avenue off-ramp and the Buena Vista Street off-ramp just north of Leland Way. 

Empire I-5 Undercrossing: Crews are constructing the deck that will connect Empire Avenue to San Fernando Boulevard under I-5.

Empire Avenue: Crews will continue to install forms and rebar and strip walls west of Victory Place at Empire Avenue.

Hollywood Way to Burbank Boulevard (Railroad): Work on the railroad continues as crews install concrete ties and rail tracks.

Northbound I-5 San Fernando Boulevard On-Ramp: Crews continue to construct the footing and walls for the Northbound I-5 San Fernando Boulevard on-ramp.  In addition, crews are removing the vegetation on the slopes and setting k-rail. 

Pump Building: Crews continue to install forms and rebar and pour walls for the new pump building. 

Closures and Detours:

SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard   

Lane closures for Sonora Avenue, Western Avenue and Alameda Avenue.  Intermittent daytime lane closures, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., under the I-5 bridge. Traffic will be maintained in both directions. Some sidewalk closures are expected as well. A pedestrian detour will be provided.

Through mid-2017 there will be intermittent daytime bike path closures between Riverside Drive and just south of the SR-134 overcrossing in the City of Los Angeles. When the path is closed, a signed detour will direct users to Zoo Drive and Western Heritage Way.

Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street<
Installation of overhead signs may require intermittent closures on Leland Way. Access to homes and driveways will be maintained at all times. Watch for flaggers.

Full closure of Empire Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Victory Place through January 2017. Work hours will be from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., primarily Monday through Friday. The closure will remain in place 24/7. A detour will be posted. Click here for more information.  

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