New Victory Place Left-Turn Lane: A third left-turn lane has been added at southbound Victory Place to eastbound Burbank Boulevard to ease congestion. This third left-turn lane is also a through lane.
Contruction Activities
Work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise noted.
SR 134 to Magnolia Boulevard
Bridge Construction: Masonry work on the southbound I-5 Sonora Avenue bridge soundwall.
Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street
Buena Vista Street Bridge (Winona Bridge): Form deck for southbound I-5 widening.
Buena Vista Street Railroad Bridge: Form and pour median pier.
Empire Avenue Railroad Underpass: Retaining wall and drainage work.
Railroad Retaining Wall: Installation of precast wall panels between Hollywood Way and Buena Vista Street. Installation of overhang for construction of the top of the wall between Hollywood Way and Burbank Boulevard.
Old San Fernando Road Tunnel: Storm drain work.
Utility Work: Conduit installation on Victory Place between Maria Street and Wilson Avenue and on San Fernando Boulevard west of Grismer Avenue.
Closures and Detours:
SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard
+ The Los Angeles River Bike Path between Riverside Drive and just south of the SR-134 overcrossing in the City of Los Angeles will be closed through spring 2016. A signed detour is posted that directs bike path users to Zoo Drive and Western Heritage Way. See map here.
Magnolia Boulevard to Buena Vista Street
+ Intermittent daytime closures on Victory Place between Maria Street and Wilson Avenue. One lane in each direction will remain open at all times. Flaggers will direct motorists.
+ Intermittent daytime closures on San Fernando Boulevard west of Grismer Avenue. At least one lane will remain open at all times.
+ Intermittent night closures of the southbound I-5 Burbank Boulevard off-ramp, 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
+ Buena Vista Street closures between Winona Avenue and San Fernando Boulevard:
- Day closures: Intermittent lane closures in both directions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The street will remain open to motorists.
- Night closures: Intermittent full street closures in both directions from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Detours will be posted.