Pile Driving for New Bridge to Occur by Caltrans for Possibly Next Four Weeks

Last year, Caltrans did pile driving at the west end of the new bridge (on the southbound side of I-5) (Courtesy of Caltrans)

Caltrans has announced that the sound of pile driving may be heard in the construction area around the I-5 during the next four weeks.

Pile driving area (Courtesy Caltrans)

According to Michael Comeaux, Public Information Officer for Caltrans, District 7, said in an email that, “Pile driving is scheduled to occur between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, for approximately four weeks. There may be some noise, and some vibration in the immediate vicinity. The schedule is subject to change due to weather or other reasons. Crews are starting a month-long pile-driving operation at the east end of the new bridge.”

Besides the pile driving, a variety of work is occurring on I-5 near Burbank Boulevard. Crews are doing the following:

  • constructing retaining walls and concrete barriers at on- and off-ramps;
  • demolishing some remaining parts of the old Burbank Blvd bridge structure;
  • excavating for the bridge abutment (end wall) at the east end of the new bridge (that is, on the northbound side of I-5)


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