Police Chief Addresses FBI Investigation Announcement

Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse.
Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse.
Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse.

Police Chief Scott LaChasse addressed the Burbank City Council on Tuesday night about the FBI’s investigation into the allegations leveled at officers.  The Chief told the council that the cased is now closed as it pertains to the officers and has no information about how it pertains to city officials that may have been implicated.

Below is the letter that Chief LaChasse read to the council and has been sent to all officers in the Burbank Police Department:


May 6, 2014

An open letter to all members of the Burbank Police Department:

We have been notified that the FBI has concluded the multi-year investigation that arose from the robbery investigation of Porto’s Bakery in late 2007. The U.S. Department of Justice will not be filing criminal charges against any current or former members of the BPD.

I want to sincerely acknowledge the patience and professionalism that each of you have demonstrated over the past six years. This has not been an easy journey. I want each of you to know that I am personally proud of the way you have performed under the pressure of intense scrutiny. As professionals, I’m certain that you understand the steps the Department took to enhance the public’s trust as we fully cooperated with the FBI. I am confident that we will continue to move forward together on the path toward law enforcement excellence.

As the FBI conducted its investigation, we remained steadfast in our sworn mission to protect and serve our community with honor. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made. The shadow that had been cast on the Department has been lifted. As an organization, we are rapidly moving forward and learning from our mistakes through our commitment to continuous improvement. Our Reform Package and most of the Strategic Plan have been implemented; we have received positive reviews from the Office of Independent Review; and we are on track to attain accreditation by CALEA in the near future. Crime and traffic statistics continue to trend downward, our force-to-arrest ratio is considerably lower than the law enforcement standard and our positive interaction with the community is at an all-time high. These are all very positive indications that we are living up to our mission and the supporting core values of respect, integrity, and excellence.

It is critical for all of us to remember that every police department’s effectiveness is tied directly to public confidence and trust, and we are no different. Despite the actions of former employees several years ago, the BPD of today enjoys a very positive reputation among the people who live and work in Burbank. Our reputation didn’t happen by accident— it takes daily hard work and dedication. It is our responsibility to live up to the confidence the public places in us by always acting with character, courage, and absolute integrity!

It is my honor to serve as your Chief. I acknowledge and appreciate the professional police service that you provide to this great community. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln, let us go forth with malice towards none and charity for all as we provide world-class service to the City of Burbank and strive to make the BPD an undisputed leader in the law enforcement community.

Chief of Police