On Tuesday, November 19, the Burbank Police Officers’ Association and the Burbank Police Department Command Staff presented Executive Director Barbara Howell and the Burbank Temporary Aid Center a check in the amount of $1,500.00.
“Between the two holidays, BTAC will distribute more than 1,000 turkeys, serving over 500 households in Burbank. We appreciate the support of the Burbank community, especially Burbank Police Department’s Command Staff and the Police Officers’ Association for this ongoing donation!”, said Howell.
The donation will assist the Burbank Temporary Aid Center with providing turkey dinner supplies for this coming holiday season. BTAC has already begun distributing Thanksgiving food. But the most intense time will begin this Thursday, November 21.
This year, BTAC will be providing Thanksgiving food for 150 more households than last year. Then, in December, they turn around and do it all again.The holiday food consists of the “traditional” items of turkey, (sometimes hams for Christmas), stuffing, potatoes, pies, etc., plus pancake mix and syrup.
Burbank Police Officers’ Association President Claudio Losacco said, “The Burbank Police Officers’ Association knows that one act of kindness can inspire an entire community. Our hope is to raise awareness of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center’s holiday outreach program. With the help of our community, we can assist them in providing their services to the families that need it most.”
The Burbank Temporary Aid Center is dedicated to provide the poor, working poor and homeless of the local community with basic services they need to live with dignity, and to serve citizens of the city in times of emergency and disaster.