Proposed Budget Requests Per Department FY 2021-22


The Burbank City Council met virtually on Tuesday, April 27th and was the first meeting reviewing the proposed 2021-22 Fiscal Year budget.  In the presentation the council was provided with details on the accomplishments and services of each department, along with their proposed budget and new budget requests. Here are the budget requests for this coming fiscal year including recurring requests and one-time requests. The next City Council meeting will be on Tuesday, May 4th, in which the proposed budget presentation will continue.

Budget requests per department:

City Council: no new budget requests

City Clerk’s Office: recurring request of a $15,000 increase to cover increased costs of legal advertising and printing ordinances.

City Treasurer’s Office: Recurring request of a $11,000 increase for increased bank fees.

City Attorney’s Office: Recurring request for an Assistant City Attorney position to support an increase in department workload – $191,610.

City Manager Office/PIO: Recurring request for a $17,595 increase towards expenses related to closed captioning for public meetings broadcasted on the City’s Public Access Channel.

Management Services Department: Recurring request for a $14,000 increase for DOT electronic record keeping and drivers license management system.

Financial Services: no new budget requests

Parks and Recreation:

Recurring requests: 

-DeBell Golf Club operations increase of $356,511 to cover increased minimum wages, contracted operator shared profits, and refund event deposits. (revenue offset)

-Wellness Center Custodial and Maintenance-$27,000

One-time requests:

-Park patrol pilot program-$106,000 (partially offset by salary savings) to curtail unfit and unsocial behavior in parks. This will cover two part-time employees at 29 hours/week.

-Utility box beautification program-$10,000 (art in public places restricted funds).

Library services:

Recurring requests:

-Utilize $4,700 from CA Literacy Services grant to offset the Library Clerk (revenue offset).

-Increased funding for eMaterials $30,000

-Instructors for the digital media lab at the Central Library-$30,000.

Community Development Department (CDD)

CDD-Planning and Building Divisions:

Recurring requests:

-Additional staffing for a principal planner, associate planner, and senior plan check engineer for planning and building divisions-$399,191.

-Professional services for consultant planners-$555,000 (revenue offset).

-California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) consultant-$45,000 to review outside agencies, prepare council comment letters, and prepare environmental impact reports.

One-time requests:

-Seismic retrofit consultant-$80,000

-Plan check professional services-$100,000 (revenue offset).

CDD Transportation Division:

Recurring requests:

-Bus stop and transit station maintenance-$50,000 for cleaning and repairs.

-Online parking permit management-$60,000.

One-time requests:

-Transportation project management-$75,000

CDD Economic Development and Housing Division:

Recurring requests:

-Administrative analyst dedicated to homelessness -$110,908.

-Homeless services liaison through existing contract with StreetPlus-$80,000.

Public Works:

Recurring requests:

-Civil Engineering associate upgrade to Senior Civil Engineer $31,482 (revenue offset) For executing and managing growing construction projects and city pavement management program.

-Homeless encampment cleanups $50,000

-Additional trash cans in city business districts-$10,000 associated with the encampment cleanups

-Maintenance contracts for landscaping in newly created bike paths, neighborhood protection areas, and medians-$160,000

Fire Department:Three year ramp-up request for a water tender replacement-$139,000 to replace their 36 year old water tender.

Police Department:

Recurring requests

-Increased funding for LA County Probation Officer cost sharing $10,000

One-time requests

-Continued funding for vehicle disinfecting services due to the pandemic-$49,536 

-Mental health evaluation team vehicle and outfitting-$83,000 to transport individuals in need safely to hospitals.