Public Review Of Hazard Mitigation Plan Set For April 13


Burbank Fire and other City departments have been working on updating the City’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. It is now ready for public review. The plan can be viewed on the City’s website, under News.

The public can ask questions and get further information at a review session on Wednesday, April 13thfrom 5 to 8 p.m. at the Burbank Fire Training Center, 1845 Ontario. Burbank Fire Captain Jeffrey Howe, Emergency Management Coordinator, will be on hand to answer questions.

Hazard Mitigation is “any action which reduces or eliminates the long term risk to lives, property, and the environment from natural and/or human-caused hazards.”

The Hazard Mitigation Plan is to promote sound public policy designed to protect citizens, critical facilities, infrastructure, private property, and the environment from natural hazards. This can be achieved by increasing public awareness, documenting the resources for risk reduction and loss-prevention, and identifying activities to guide the City toward building a safer, more sustainable community.