On March 8th a rabid bat was found and reported outside of a home on Lincoln St. in Burbank. The Burbank Animal Shelter has been sharing advisory information to local veterinarian offices and via their social media in an effort to reach the public. The advisory warned that anyone that may have come into recent contact with a bat should seek medical attention to check for rabies exposure.
Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the central nervous system and is spread from the saliva of infected animals. The incubation period for rabies can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months so even if you are bit and don’t show any symptoms in the following days you could still be exposed to rabies. It is best to seek medical attention as soon as possible as the virus is fatal when untreated.
While most bats do not have rabies, it is important to never touch a bat found in the wild, especially without gloves, and to report bat bites and interactions to the Veterinary Public Health office by calling 213-288-7060. If you find a sick or dead bat and would like to request it for rabies testing, place a box over it and call the Burbank Animal Shelter directly at 818-238-3340.
“The information provided here is very useful for ensuring the public is safe and knows what to do if they encounter a bat,” said Lisette Rojo, Burbank Animal Shelter’s Outreach Coordinator, in regards to the rabies advisory. “One thing we might add is that it is important to ensure home windows and doors have screens and if left open to ensure bats are not able to enter.”
The County of Los Angeles Public Health Department has a community information PDF on what to do if you find a bat. Bats are protected wildlife which means it is illegal to kill or harm them. If a bat does enter your home or business, close off the room and any exits and call the animal shelter for retrieval and testing.