Race Relay Program Calls For Submissions: Deadline Extended To September 3

Image Courtesy Burbank Human Relations Council

The Burbank Human Relations Council and New York Film Academy are partnering to present Race Relay, a theater program to discuss race and racism. The organizations have issued a call for stories. The submission deadline has been extended to Friday, September 3.

“In an effort to create a stronger sense of caring and address social injustice in our community… Race Relay is experiential theatre experience where the audience participates in a safe space to talk about race, racism and its impacts on individuals and the community as a whole,” explained Burbank Human Relations Council Board member Suzanne Weerts.

“Utilizing actors, recollections of actual incidents, and projected images from various media, the production is designed around the specific concerns of a community, and integrates entertainment, reality, humor, and frankness. It uses the premise ‘Story is Medicine’ as an approach for audience members to connect with each other, to express their truth and to learn how to deal with racial attitudes and issues.”

“Weaving together personal stories of racial incidents and incorporating striking visual images, this multi-media presentation invites the audience to examine their attitudes about race in a non-threatening way; and is the kick-off event for a series of discussions around racism,” she added.

Image Courtesy Burbank Human Relations Council

“Right now, we are collecting true stories of Burbank residents and business owners/staff and their personal experiences with racism,” Weerts also said.

“We want the Burbank community to know that their stories and experiences matter and this is a safe way to share and be heard. Residents and people who work in Burbank are invited to submit one-page descriptions of their experience – whether subtle or overt – and how they felt in the moment.”

Submissions may be made online by sending an email to racerelayburbank@gmail.com.

Once stories are selected for inclusion in the program, their respective authors will be contacted by New York Film Academy/Burbank Human Relations Council staff.

Race Relay is set to debut November 19-21 at the Burbank YMCA’s Social Impact Center.

The Burbank Human Relations Council plans to hold monthly dialogues in the Burbank community beginning in 2022, Weerts said.

For more information, visit racerelay.org or watch the seven-minute video at this link.

Image Courtesy Burbank Human Relations Council