Rep. Schiff Statement Supports Supreme Court Health Care Decision

Congressman Adam Schiff

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the following statement heralding the Supreme Court’s decision on the President’s health care reform law:


“I am very pleased to see that the Supreme Court has upheld the health care reform law. These hard-passed reforms will be beneficial to the country – already, 17 million children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage by insurers, seniors have received additional help with prescription drug prices, college graduates can stay on their parents policies, small employers and the self-employed will soon be able to purchase health insurance at bulk discount rates, and millions of Americans will have health insurance for the first time.

“I am also pleased for another reason: The Court was at risk of becoming yet another partisan institution if it threw out decades of precedent. The Chief Justice chose a different legacy, and this was not only the correct legal decision, it was also enormously important to maintaining the independence and reputation of the Court.”

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