Schiff Seeks Nominations for Women of the Year


Every March during Women’s History Month, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) honors women from the 30th Congressional District who have improved the quality of life in our community. The 2023 nomination season is open, and the Congressman is soliciting your help to identify outstanding women who have made a difference.

“I am proud my district is home to so many incredible women – brilliant and hardworking individuals, many of them leaders in their fields, who go above and beyond to share their wisdom and passions with their neighbors, and to enrich our communities day in and day out. I’m excited to recognize their exemplary work again this year,” said Schiff.

The honorees must live within the 30th congressional district, including Burbank.

Click here to submit your nominations. The deadline to nominate is February 28, 2023.

Last year, Congressman Schiff recognized Carmenita Helligar for her contributions to education, health, housing, homelessness, and arts initiatives in the community.