Schiff Statement on Passage of Continuing Resolution Funding Government Through Next Year

Congressman Adam Schiff

Thursday, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) released the following statement after voting to pass a Continuing Resolution to fund the government through March 2013:

“Today, we passed a Continuing Resolution to keep the government’s doors open through the beginning of next year. This represents no victory, and the most that can be said is that it will avoid another potential government shutdown.

“I strongly believe that Congress should stay in session through the fall and work until we resolve the looming financial issues that will come due at the end of the year. More than that, we should pass critical legislation now that would help small businesses, incentivize manufacturing at home and make key investments in infrastructure to get our economy moving again. This is a far higher priority than returning home to campaign.

“The economic and financial challenges we face are not insurmountable. We continue to have all the wonderful attributes that made America great — a talented and industrious people, abundant natural resources, great climate and splendid values and ideals. But at the moment, we have a serious governance problem, and it will take both parties working together to solve some of the large challenges we face. Only then, can we ensure another generation of American leadership in the world.”