Second Fire at Downtown News Stand Set By Unknown Suspect

Burbank Fire Fighters survey the damage after a second fire at The Newspaper & Magazine stand located at 316 San Fernando Blvd. (Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Burbank Fire Fighters were called to The Newspaper Stand located at 316 N. San Fernando Blvd. following a report of a building fire. Upon their arrival they found for the second time in less than two weeks, a suspicious fire caused by burning debris next to the front roll up door.

Burbank Fire Captain Mike McDonald looks at the damage caused after this most recent suspicious fire outside the Newspaper & Magazine stand at 316 San Fernando Blvd.(Photo by Ross A. Benson)

Fire fighters extinguished the fire and the owner of the business who was on scene commented that after the last fire he just replaced the metal door.

The investigation is continuing by Burbank’s Arson Investigator, and the Burbank Police Department.