The Special Olympics delegation visiting Burbank from Botswana and Zimbabwe had another action packed fun filled day from their Burbank hosts.

Starting off the morning with breakfast at the Canyon Grille at DeBell, the athletes got to enjoy some practice on the putting green before having to load the buses for their daily workout at the Y.M.C.A.
The delegation headed to Disney Studios where they received a tour and found out that Disneyland was created by Walt Disney whose offices were right there on the lot in Burbank. After tours and pictures it was time to load the buses, head home and get ready for a concert at the Starlight Bowl.
The athletes enjoyed dinner with Burbank’s elected officials served by the Worthe Real Estate Group employees before a concert by famed musicians Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries. The concert was free to the public as a gift from the Worthe Real Estate Group. The companies President Jeff Worthe was on hand to greet the athletes and help present medals.
Before the concert began, every athlete received a special medal presented to them from City Council members.

The Coronaries entertained the crowd with countless oldies that their so well known for. At one time they started a conga line that went up the aisles and down before the group returned to the stage for several additional numbers.
Special to the guests in attendance was a dance from the Botswana delegation.