Stevenson Elementary Enjoys Halloween Fun With Annual Boo Bash

Photo By Ross Benson

The school community of Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary enjoyed seasonal fun with the 15th annual Boo Bash event on Friday, October 19, on the school grounds.

“It’s grown from a bake sale to the amazing and fun-filled event that we have today,” commented Stevenson Elementary PTA Historian Jodi Karp, noting the event adds new ideas every year.

Photo By Ross Benson

“This year saw the addition of another new event, the highly-anticipated The Pirates Maze,” she explained. “Our cherished Stevenson garden was transformed in a matter of a few short weeks into an amazing array of lights, fog and (fun) fright.”

“The Fifth-Grade Haunted Hallway returned in the form of the Fifth-Grade Boo Bash Bayou. The hard working fifth-graders, parents and teachers transformed the entrance to the garden into a pirate’s paradise.”

Photo By Ross Benson

The Haunted Hallway is always a popular draw, with over 800 visits during Friday’s Boo Bash. In previous years, the Hallway was inside the school; this year it was set up at the garden entrance.

“The Pirates Maze encompassed the remainder of the garden with all plants, vegetables and trees either incorporated into the maze or left intact,” Karp added.

Photo By Ross Benson

Kids played Halloween-themed games, including Angry Pumpkins, for which they would sling a pumpkin across the Stevenson yard. Monster Mash was also a hit – kids popped balloons and searched for a small piece of paper that indicated their prize.

Stevenson Elementary PTA also set up a Bootique at which students could shop for prizes. Pumpkin bowling and a pumpkin carving contest were also popular with the students.

The PTA held the ubiquitous bake sale and a raffle, while a DJ provided musical entertainment.


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