Suspicious Burbank Fires Under Investigation

The fire destroyed many vehicle inside the business (Photo By Ross A. Benson)
Firefighters arrived at the auto shop and found smoke coming from the building (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

Burbank fire units responded to a call reporting a possible structure fire near N San Fernando Blvd and N Buena Vista St at around 1 a.m. Saturday morning.  The fire was located in a small industrial complex, and was contained by firefighters within approximately 30 minutes.

While not believed related to recent arson incidents in LA County, Burbank Fire Department (BFD) is investigating the fire as suspicious.

The fire destroyed many vehicle inside the business (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

At approximately 2 a.m. BFD responded to a car fire on 2100 block of N Rose St.  The car, a 2006 Corvette, was destroyed.  This incident, according to Sergeant Darin Ryburn, Press Information Officer for the Burbank Police Department, was suspicious and similar to fires reported last night in Sun Valley and North Hollywood.

Sgt. Ryburn advises all Burbank residents that he would encourage our residents and business owners to please be observant of their surroundings.  All of the fires have been late night or early morning.  If residents hear or see something please call the police immediately. If they become aware of a fire, be cognizant of vehicles leaving the area and provide that information to fire and police personnel.

Photo By Ross A. Benson

Given the nature of the N. Rose St. fire, all inquiries on the possibility this fire was related to the recent string of arson fires in LA County are being directed to the LA City Fire Department Public Information Officer.

According to Erik Scott, spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department, LAFD responded to an additional 13 fires early Saturday morning, bringing the total number of fires suspected of being set by one or more arsonists to over 30 in just two days.  Scott also noted LA County Fire responded to another possibly related call in the Lennox area.

An arson investagor shoot pictures of a car on Rose St. that may be linked to the Los Angeles arsonist (Photo By Ross A. Benson)

If anybody sees or suspects suspicious activity, call 911 and report the activity as quickly as possible.  Currently, officials are looking for a male driving a white and tan mid-1990s Lexus ES300, but they would not give details.

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