The Road Kings Donate $20,000 To Burbank Nonprofits

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

The Road Kings of Burbank distributed $20,000 between five local nonprofit groups on Tuesday, Oct. 10, during their general monthly meeting held at the Burbank Elks Lodge.

The legendary car club, first initiated in 1952, donated the funds to the Burbank Temporary Aid Center, the Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and Greater East Valley, the Burbank Police Foundation, Jacaranda Housing, and the Burbank Historical Society. Each of these organizations received a check for $4,000, which was presented to their leaders by Road Kings President Karen Arellano and Road Kings Community Relations Representative Don Baldaseroni. 

(Photo by Ross A Benson)

Those who accepted the checks were Boys & Girls Club of Burbank and GEV Director of Programs Arpineh Khodagholian, Burbank Police Sergeant Anthony Virzi on behalf of the Burbank Police Foundation, Burbank Temporary Aid Center CEO Barbara Howell, Jacaranda Housing founder and Executive Director Ali Bodager, and Burbank Historical Society Operations Manager Carey Briggs. 

The Road King’s fun-filled car shows raise money for the community while entertaining and educating guests with their lineup of classic cars. Baldaseroni details that the club has given a total amount “in the $500,000 range” to charitable organizations over the years. 

Amid the Road Kings providing the donations on Tuesday, Baldaseroni said, “This is our 71st year in Burbank, and we are using our cars to generate funds for our local charities. So, putting on car shows and having fun doing it is our goal; however, the offshoot of this is giving the money to charities. It makes it all worth it.”

Next up, the Road Kings will be present at Holiday in the Park on Nov. 17, as well as the Community Chevrolet All Chevy Vintage Car Show on Nov. 19. The group will also be the host club of an annual event celebrating drag racing, Nitro Revival, on Nov. 4 at the Irwindale Dragstrip.

To learn more about the Road Kings of Burbank, visit their site here