Two Burbank Students Selected for All Southern California Honor Band and Orchestra


Two students from the Burbank High School Instrumental Music program will be participating in the All Southern California High School Honor Band and Orchestra this weekend.  10th grader Gwi Park will be playing flute in the Symphonic Band, and 12th grader Samantha di Giovanni will be playing violin in the Symphony Orchestra. The honor groups are sponsored annually by the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA).

Participants are selected by competitive audition from students all over Southern California, so it is a great honor to be accepted.  The ensembles are led by nationally known guest conductors from major universities and professional orchestras. The students rehearse all day Friday and Saturday with a performance on Sunday. This year’s concert will take place on Sunday, January 24 at 5pm at the Arcadia High School Performing Arts Center. Admission is free.

Director Michael Stanley expressed his pride in his students’ accomplishments: “Congratulations to Gwi and Sam for representing Burbank High School and the Burbank Unified School District in the All Southern California High School Honor Groups!”

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