UMe Voted Best Financial Institution in Burbank

Photo Courtesy of UMe Credit Union

UMe Credit Union was voted Best Financial Institution in Burbank in myBurbank’s Best 2021 Contest.  The contest was held the entire month of April and community members nominated their favorite Burbank businesses in over 160 categories. So what makes UMe the best and why are they different than all the others? 

“It’s all in our name… UMe is derived from U+Me, the relationship between U ‘our members’ and Me ‘us’ is what we’re all about, said Anita Hutchinson, CMO & Vice President of Marketing at UMe Credit Union. “We get to know our members… we know their kids, what’s going on in their lives… we celebrate with them when things go well and listen to them when they need someone to talk to. At UMe, we are real people who really care. It’s that simple. We believe that our members successes are our successes.” 

The credit union offers the same products and services that you get from most banks and financial institutions, but it’s their customer service that they believe sets them apart from the rest. “We greet every member with a smile, provide an open, vibrant lobby space, we’re dog friendly, and we strive to give you a (dare we say it) FUN and enjoyable banking experience,” said Hutchinson. “Plus, we have a purple spokesbird that wears bow ties, cares about banking on a higher consciousness and cracks some pretty great jokes, where else could you get that?” UMe prides themselves on creating the best banking experience and a real connection with their members – and will even refinance one of their own loans if it means it will save their members money.

Like all businesses, UMe felt the impact of the pandemic, but they did their best to continue helping their membership and their community in both big and small ways. They quickly implemented loan skipping options that allowed members to skip loan payments for 3 consecutive months and were the first in the area to create a mortgage loan relief program for their homeowner members who were in need. “As soon as the pandemic hit, we focused on helping and launched our “here for U” messaging, sharing financial tips and resources in hopes that it would benefit as many people as possible. We made doing business with us as easy and frictionless as we could,” adds Hutchinson.

UMe even partnered with SBA eligible lenders to help provide Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan options to their small business members, because they were not able to offer the product themselves and knew that their business owner members could use the help. “At UMe, U really do Matter to Me (all of us) — even if that means referring our members to another lender to help them achieve their goals,” said Hutchinson.

So now that we are progressing into a post-pandemic world, UMe has some events in store, once its fully safe to do so. They are planning on hosting the 10th Annual Thank-A-Solider Care Package Assembly Event in October, and some Fall/Winter Outdoor More Nights, along with an outdoor Visit with Santa. For the latest event info, follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter (@umecreditunion).