ED NOTE: This story was edited on July 3 —The age of the suspect in the Burbank Police release is 20 years-old and the age it states in the arrest report says 22 years-old.
A Burbank man accused of stealing a car, is in jail after he fled from police and ended up crashing into a another car, sending a female motorist to the hospital with serious injuries.
The incident began Wednesday afternoon 3:16 p.m., when a Burbank Police motor officers was conducting a routine speed enforcement detail on Vanowen St. near Niagara St. The officer observed a black vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed towards his location. The officer attempted to pull the vehicle over, but the driver failed to yield to the officer’s lights and siren on the motorcycle. Instead, the driver tuned, heading into the residential area south of Vanowen.
The driver accelerated in an attempt to flee from the pursuing motorcycle officer, making several turns on the residential streets in the area. Eventually, he turned back towards Vanowen. When he attempted to make a right turn on Vanowen, the driver crossed over into the westbound lanes of Vanowen and struck a white Toyota 4Runner head-on. Both vehicles sustained major damage in the collision, and came to rest in the westbound lanes of Vanowen at Fairview St.
The driver of the Toyota 4Runner, a 50 year-old North Hollywood woman, was transported to Providence Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills. According to police, she sustained a compound fracture of her lower leg. She was the only occupant in her vehicle.
The suspect, Ian MacNeill, 22, of Burbank, was transported to Providence St. Joseph Medical Center with a complaint of pain. Once he was cleared by doctors, he was booked into the Burbank Jail for felony evading causing injury, driving a stolen vehicle, and a parole violation for an unrelated offense. He is being held without bail.
You hear about pursuits and some idiot pulling something like this and harming innocent people. It’s hard to believe this is my son. Ian ,you $@&^$@ up and now your gonna suffer by doing time and watching someone else raise your great little son. When you ever going to learn?
I cant recall ever seeing you around. who are you again?
First off there was no pursuit, the car was not stolen, and he was not on Parole.
Any good journilist would of gotten the facts correct. They didnt even get his age right. And for the record he is a good kid, just has made some bad choices in his life.
lets hope it’s not to late to turn them around and get him on the right track. because he is well worth it.
I saw no lights, nor any sirens, and the police officers was not directly even behind the suspect. in no way did it look like a pursuit the suspect was not even traveling very fast when he made that turn. look in the report again it stats the suspect was going 35 mph at that speed i doubt he was trying to flee, at least not from a officer. it look to me as if he hit the curb on the passengers side which made the transmission blow and then hitting the curb is what threw him in to the on
coming traffic. I also observed the suspect had his hand bandage maybe it was the hand that got in his way that could of caused the accident.
The facts are correct – here is the OFFICIAL press release sent by the Burbank PD to all media….although you are correct about his age, he is 22 and not 20. Here is also a link to the Burbank Police Arrest Reports for that day and you can see the multiple charges he was booked on. http://www.burbankca.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=15608 By the fact you saw our pictures with the story should tell you hat we were there on scene
Here is the official release from the Burbank PD…..
On Wednesday, June 20, 2012, at 3:16 p.m., a Burbank motor officer was conducting speed
enforcement in the area of Vanowen Street and Niagara Street. The officer observed a black
vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed towards his location. The motor officer attempted
to conduct a traffic stop but the vehicle failed to yield to the officer’s lights and siren and fled
southbound into the residential area.
The vehicle accelerated in an attempt to flee from the pursuing motor officer and made
several turning movements within the residential area, eventually driving back towards
Vanowen Street. The fleeing vehicle was unable to complete the turn onto eastbound
Vanowen Street and swerved into the westbound lanes striking a white Toyota Forerunner
head-on. Both vehicles came to rest in the westbound lanes of Vanowen Street at Fairview
Street and sustained major damage from the collision.
The suspect, Ian Mac Neill, M/20 of Burbank was transported to a local hospital for a
complaint of pain. He was then booked at the Burbank Jail for felony evading, driving a stolen
vehicle, a parole hold for an unrelated offense, and is being held without bail.
The Toyota Forerunner driver, a female in her 50’s, was transported to a local hospital and is
being treated for a compound fracture of her lower leg.
The investigation is ongoing and being conducted by detectives from the Burbank Police
Questions regarding this statement may be directed to
Sergeant Darin Ryburn, @ 818-238-3240
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