George Washington Elementary School is celebrating the achievement of second-grader Michael Levonyan, who took home the Best In Show trophy for his artwork at the 2017 Burbank Youth Art Expo on Friday, April 7.
Organized by the Burbank Park and Recreation Department, the annual Youth Art Expo attracted more than 1200 submissions this year from Burbank students in grades TK through 12. Grades 6-12 were recognized on April 6 and grades TK-5 were celebrated April 7 in ceremonies at Olive Park Recreation Center.
“The very exciting part… is that Michael Levonyan from our LEAP – Language Enrichment Autism Program- in Ms. Gal’s special day class, won!” exclaimed Washington Principal Brandi Young.
Levonyan’s mother and father, classroom teacher Debbie Gal, Principal Young and general education teacher Barbara Kim who taught him the art lesson at school attended the awards ceremony in support.
“We are very proud and excited as we mainstream for art, music, P.E., and academic areas, when it’s appropriate for the students,” commented Young. “During Washington’s Art Day, Michael had an opportunity to mainstream in a general education class, where they were given a direct instruction lesson on the artwork of Edvard Munch, ‘The Scream.'”
“Michael was very successful with this lesson as he does well with step by step instructions and a model to follow,” added Young.
Levonyan’s success, through his own work and creativity, is supported by the efforts of a team of Washington Elementary teachers and staff, who throughout the month of April are highlighting Autism Awareness Month at the school.
Selected artworks from the 2017 Burbank Youth Art Expo are featured in the Creative Arts Center gallery at Olive Park through April 20.