Burbank Library Hosts Climate Conversation With Renowned Paleontologist And JPL Scientist
The Burbank Public Library hosts a climate conversation featuring esteemed paleontologist and author Neil Shubin and Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientist Alex Gardner on Wednesday, February 5.
Burbank Human Relations Council Honors Dr. King’s Legacy with Inspiring Community Celebration
BHRC sent our first black president, Vernon Michel, to the last leg of the Civil Rights March led by Dr. King from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
Burbank Fire Department Graduates 12 New Fire Recruits
The Burbank Fire Department graduated 12 new Firefighters at recent ceremonies
Burbank Middle-Schooler Aims to Bring Birthday Joy to Kids Displaced by Fires
Burbank student creates birthday project for kids displaced by devastating fires.
Burbank Nonprofit Seeks Next Generation of Leadership
After successful Holiday Basket program, Burbank Coordinating Council looking for next volunteer president.
Vice Mayor Hosts Community Resource Briefing As Eaton Fire Continues
Zoom forum connects Burbank residents with updates during wildfire crisis.
Family Service Agency Offers Free Mental Health Services to Support Burbank Community
Telehealth support line provides free, multilingual mental health services for Burbank residents.
Burbank Makes it Through Hurricane Winds With Minimal Damage
Crews have worked to mitigate damage, City launches web page for local information. Schools to remain closed until Monday
Winds Cause Havoc in Burbank As Trees Are Uprooted, Power Lines Knocked Down
Burbank Safety Service was tested yesterday when winds topping over 50 MPH ripped through the City.
Chabad Of Burbank Closes Out Chanukah With Festival and Lighting of The Tallest Menorah...
The last night of Hanukah fell on New Year's Day this year. Chabad of Burbank held a Festival and lighting of the last candle on the largest and tallest Menorah.