UMe Schools
Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center

Burbank Schools Lose Another Principal

Long time Principal of Luther Burbank Middle School will leave the school on September 30 to take position in Glendale district

Burbank Schools Welcome New Administrators

New administrators take positions at Burroughs and Burbank High Schools and Huerta Middle School

School Board to Recognize Passing of Esmeralda Hernandez

“Esme” or “Mama Esme” as she was fondly called, worked for both BUSD and Burbank Parks and Recreation. The March 18th BUSD meeting will be adjourned in Esme’s honor.

Parent Calls Balk in Filing Title IX Complaint Against Burbank School District Softball/Baseball Programs

After years of inequity between the softball and baseball programs at the two high schools, parent demands changes

After Emergency School Board Meeting, Board Supports Superintendent’s Decision to Reopen Schools Monday

After an email was sent to staff and parents on January 1 about the reopening of school on Monday, Board met to change to virtual learning but voted to stay with original decision instead

Permits Now Available for Workers to Have Their Children Attend Burbank Schools

If you work in the City of Burbank, your child can attend a Burbank school.  Interdistrict attendance permits offer parents who work...

BUSD Hires a New Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services With Controversial Past

Andrew Cantwell's recent job was in Texas where he was Head of School at a very conservative Christian School which included a "Scripture Memory Program"

Burbank Election Results Still Holding

With approximately 400,000 votes left to possibly count in the County, election results so far have been unchanged since the first report on Tuesday. Newcomers have risen in both the Council and School Board races with Measure RC going down defeat soundly

Burbank Unified School District Announces New School Administrators

New Director of Adult School, Administrator and Assistant Principals named to positions. New Principal of Burbank High School announced

Burbank Unified Reports 682 Students With Confirmed Covid-19 Cases Since Schools Reopened January 3

School District also reports 96 staff members have also tested positive since schools reopened January 3

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Burroughs Girls Basketball Wins Battle of Coaching Legends

Burroughs will not to have travel very far in the second round of the playoffs in facing Village Christian.

Burbank Police Warn About “Bank Jugging”

Bank Jugging has been on the increase in Burbank

Providence Saint Joseph Disney Family Cancer Center Celebrates 15 Years of Excellence, Personalized Care

In addition to offering leading-edge medical and surgical care, the Disney Family Cancer Center provides extensive ancillary services designed to enhance the overall well-being of patients