Burbank School Superintendent Advises Residents About Increased Police Presence at Schools
Dr. John Paramo says police will be present for precautionary reasons after nationwide social media posts
BUSD Meeting: School Bond Feasibility Survey Discussed
Thursday's meeting talks about several topics.
UPDATED – STUDENT ARRESTED: Threats Made Against Luther Middle School, City Hall Found as...
A bomb threat at Burbank's City Hal and an unknown threat at Luther Middle School were both checked by officials and police and found to be not credible
BUSD Meeting: Dr. John Paramo Is New Superintendent
The nearly three-hour meeting yields new superintendent.
Burbank Arts & Education Foundation Hosting “Pancake Social”
This is a free event that is open to alumni of all Burbank Unified schools and their guests and coincides
with the 115th birthday celebration of Burbank High School
BUSD Meeting: Superintendent Discussed, Not Named
The meeting that lasted less than two hours didn't yield a permanent superintendent.
Burbank School District Hires New Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
Dr. Rudchenko brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the district's leadership team
Burbank Board of Education Approves Fiscal Stabilization Plan
It's slightly more than two hours, but much was discussed.
BUSD Meeting: Dr. Matt Hill Relieved Of Duties As Superintendent
Dr. John Paramo will be the acting BUSD Superintendent until a permanent one can be found.
School Board Places Superintendent Matt Hill on Paid Administrative Leave
After a special closed session meeting on Wednesday night, the Board of Education has voted to place Dr. Matt Hill on paid administrative leave.