Burroughs Girls Basketball and Baseball Seeking Donations for Team Trips


The Burroughs Girls basketball program is holding a Silent/Live Auction of Sports Memorabilia on Saturday, November 15, at 2 pm in the Burroughs Cafeteria. The event is open to the public and all proceeds go to help the varsity girls basketball team with their trip to Hawaii to participate in the WYBT Tournament in December.

The Lady Indians are also having an online fundraiser and are taking donations online. This is also for the same cause. Visit the following site to help support Burroughs girls basketball.

Girls basketball funds- http://www.gofundme.com/hawaii-tourney

Meanwhile, the Burroughs baseball team is on its way to Phoenix, Arizona, from March 23-27 as part of the Coach Bob Invitational Baseball Tournament.

The Indians need your help. Please visit the following site to help support the Tribe’s varsity baseball team.

Baseball funds- http://www.gofundme.com/jbhsbaseballcoachb

Burroughs Girls Basketball Fundraiser-

silent auction fundraiser





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