Burbank Planning Board Approves Sale of Alcohol at Poquito Mas Restaurant


On Monday, September 12th, the Burbank Planning Board held a meeting. The meeting’s agenda included three proposals for minor alterations by three different parties.

First, representatives of a self-storage company requested the board approve a development review and conditional use permit to replace two existing single story self-storage buildings with two new three story self-storage buildings. The facility is located on 118 Graham Place and borders the city of Glendale to the east.

In discussing the proposal, the planning board brought up the potential effects of needing extra parking due to the increase in self-storage spaces. However, the applicant who made the proposal assured the board that there would not be a substantial increase in demand for parking due to the nature of self-storage. The board approved the proposal 4-0.

Next, representatives of Glenoaks Adult Day Health Center brought forth a proposal to increase the capacity of their adult daycare center. Currently, they are allowed to have 110 seniors within the facility at once. They requested to increase that number to 150 seniors.

The adult daycare center, located at 3201 N Glenoaks Blvd, would require no building alterations in order to fit the 40 extra people. The only thing that would change is an increase in the amount of vans used to transport the seniors. These vans are payed for by the center.

Following short deliberation, the planning board voted 4-0 to approve the proposed increase.

Lastly, the board was given a presentation by representatives of Poquito Mas, a Mexican restaurant located in the Media District at 2635 W Olive Avenue. The owners of the restaurant requested the planning board approve a conditional use permit to allow the sale of beer and wine for on-site consumption.

The proposal would not effect the exterior of the restaurant, only affecting the interior due to the necessity of having a storage space for alcohol products. Additionally, the restaurant owners added a list of conditions of approval, which includes a condition that 65% of the gross sale revenue be from food sales.

The board approved the proposal 4-0.

A video recording of the meeting along with it’s corresponding agenda can be found here.

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