
Bret Harte Elementary Pioneers Organic Waste Recycling in Fight Against Climate Crisis

One public elementary school in Burbank, Bret Harte, has become a testing ground for an innovative on-site food waste reduction initiative.

Walt Disney Elementary School to Hosts Record-Breaking Science Fair

Students from all grade levels worked tirelessly to design and execute projects that showcase their curiosity and scientific knowledge

BUSD: Burroughs Has New Vice Principal, While School Counselors Recognized

The meeting went well and there were several key moments.

BUSD Meeting: DEI, Minimum Wage On The Table

It's the final school board meeting of 2024.

BUSD Board Meeting: Reorganization, Plus Budget Talks

The latest BUSD meeting is helpful.

BUSD Meeting: Surplus Property, Cell Phones, Child Development Program Discussed

Latest meeting is short and sweet but filled with data.

Burbank School Board Meeting: Cell Phone Talk Serious Business

Dr. Oscar Macias, interim assistant superintendent, pointed out that 97 percent of students use the cell phone during the school day.

“Inside Out 2” Actress Kensington Tallman Visits Disney Elementary for Q&A with Students

Kensington Tallman, voice actress of Riley in Disney Pixar’s Inside Out 2, visited the 5th grade girls of Walt Disney Elementary school for a Q&A on behalf of the Saving Our Daughters organization on October 10th.

Letter to the Editor: Resident Concerned About the High Speed Rail ‘Boondoggle’

"Now, the problem arises for the City Council: how will it recoup the taxpayer-funded planning done for the State's boondoggle?"

Rick’s Sports Corner: Rachel Little Thriving At Utica University

The former Bear is in her second season playing softball for the Pioneers.

Media City Credit Union Helps Members and the Community Prepare for Tax Season

To ensure a smooth and efficient tax filing process, here are some important things to keep in mind:
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