Suspect Arrested Following Vandalism Downtown Including Police Cars


According to Sergeant Derek Green, Media Information Officer for Burbank Police Department.  Burbank  Police arrested a suspect who is responsible for several acts of vandalism (graffiti) in the Downtown Burbank area over the week, including vandalism to a Burbank Police vehicle.

 The suspect was arrested the first time on July 10, 2020, after witnesses saw him applying graffiti to the windows of businesses in the downtown area. The suspect was determined to be the same person who applied graffiti to a parked Burbank Police vehicle on July 9.  He was identified as Ilanni Flores, a 24-year-old transient from North Hollywood.

Following Flores’ arrest, he was released in accordance with Covid-19 inmate custody restrictions. After being released, Flores returned to the rear of the Police Station and vandalized another Burbank Police car as well as several other vehicles parked in the police station parking lot.

Flores was again placed under arrest and booked on suspicion of felony vandalism. During this arrest, he resisted and a ‘use of force’ was required to get him into custody. He is now being held on $20,000 bail.

The graffiti was not gang-related and does not appear to be part of any larger movement. The motive for applying the graffiti is not known.

Formal charges are pending review.