Burbank Police Warn About “Bank Jugging”


The Burbank Police Department has seen an uptick in the crime of “bank jugging” vehicle burglaries. What is “bank jugging” and how can you prevent yourself from falling victim? 

“Bank jugging” is the term used to describe the common practice of criminals who sit in bank parking lots and watch customers come and go. These criminals watch customers as they leave the bank and typically target those carrying bank envelopes, money bags, and/or coin boxes. Thieves will select a customer they believe to be in possession of a large amount of currency and will follow the customer to their next destination, at which point they break into the victim’s vehicle and steal the money from within. 


  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially occupied parked vehicles in the parking lot 
  • Conceal money before entering and exiting the bank 
  • Be aware of anyone that may be watching and or following you 
  • DO NOT leave your bank envelope, money bag, coin box, or currency in your vehicle 
  • If you suspect you are being targeted or followed, call the police immediately 

If you see a crime in progress or anything that appears to be suspicious, report it immediately to the Burbank Police Department. Our 24-hour non-emergency number is (818) 238-3000. 

For emergencies only, dial 9-1-1.