Letter to the Editor: Resident Wants to Warn Residents to be Aware of Candidate Endorsements and Statements


Letter to the Editor:

The races for Burbank City Council and BUSD school board are traditional non-partisan races. However, there comes a time when the political philosophy that will guide a candidate, needs to be explained, and this case, exposed. Council candidates, Konstantine Anthony and Mike Van Gorder are endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America. Specifically, the LA branch based in Silverlake. What does this mean? This group follows the teachings of Marxist revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky (a Communist theorist). DSA’s stated goals are ,”to participate in fights for reforms today that will weaken the power of corporations”, with the long -term goal of social ownership of production, state-ownership of businesses, and the institution of worker cooperatives.

If these values appeal to you, that’s what these candidates are for. Buyer beware. Recently, in response to questions from Blue Values Burbank, Mr. Anthony answered the question, what influences council by stating, “Currently, the organizations trying to influence council include the Burbank Chamber of Commerce, a conservative nonprofit known as Vision Burbank, and a handful of developers and corporate lobbyists. I’m committed to expanding the power of grassroots organizers to combat these nefarious actors”.

Vision Burbank is a non-partisan group with a positive message. Our mission statement reads,” Vision Burbank is a broad-based and non-partisan movement intended to address current issues of concern in the Burbank community”. Although these races are typically not viewed as partisan, Mr. Anthony and Van Gorders’ philosophy may cause many voters to pause and question the direction our city will follow if Marxists principals influence city council members.

Barry Sarna
Board Member Vision Burbank


    1. Mr. Sarna, thank you for your letter to the editor. I agree with what you said and would add that to have a sitting council member to frame both of these non-profits as “nefarious” is very poor form. Mr. Anthony is becoming much more open about his intent. Mr. Van Gorders’ alignment with him shows that he shares the same values.

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